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admin 人物作文 2021-10-18 08:18:00 心理作文


  One in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year. When you fail to manage these problems, they are likely to cause various mental illnesses. The causes of mental health problems often vary a lot from one case to another. In today’s society, a good number of people are suffering from heavy pressure. Others lack communication skills. In addition, a lot of people are ignorant of psychological knowledge about how to keep mentally fit. There are a lot of ways to curb mental health problems and keep psychologically healthy. Firstly, find the real cause of your mental health problem and see whether you can do something to make a change. Secondly, learn to relax yourself and take exercise to release the pressure. Lastly, you may find it helpful to talk to your partner or friend about your problem, or seek support and advice from a psychological consultant.


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